A Neurotic in an Exotic Land; The Adventures of Professor Lucas

Here you will find some related writings (generally not as funny as the book) and a little info about the author, as well as an excerpt from the book.
The photo above should have been the book's cover!--and it
should be turned around!

All rights reserved.

Although some of the items I've now posted differ in their mood and style from the book itself, I am posting them here anyway because they date from roughly the time period in which the book was written--and, I believe they share a certain ambience with it. (note added 14 March 2010)

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I don't usually write poetry, but I used to. This is a poem from about the same
period as "The Crimes of Capitalism"--also found at this blog.

It represents a wholly different mood from the book, and, even the other pieces at
this blog. It is, in a way, unfinished; but I can't do anything with it now.

Angel Metro Station in Winter

Hundreds of souls fly madly through your caverns.
Crammed inside gleaming metal boxes.
So many souls: old, young, indifferent to my plight.
I can't stop staring.
I am looking for an answer to a question I cannot quite put into words.

I stand on the platform and look for a sign that love is possible
even now in this cold.
It would be a consolation for the tricks you have played on me,
But, no, you don't give away anything to anyone.

I am not this flesh and not these bones.
My soul hovers somewhere above the city.
Watching my predicament with no special interest.
I who am not on an island somewhere in the sun.

Your go-between used to comfort me,
but now she has found other work,
and no one has answered my help wanted sign.

March 2001


Anyone who happened to buy the book should know that in the process of
uploading it, I forgot to include the second half of Chapter Six.

The GOOD NEWS is that it is available at this blog.

The explanation is that prior to uploading the book I had moved the book
from one computer to another and I had myself moved quickly without
adequate preparation from one country to another.

Apologies again, and I hope the book is amusing despite this error.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

About the Blog

This blog supplements the book of the same name. In earlier posts you
will find an excerpt from the book.